Environmental Management

Policy/Basic Concept

Based on our corporate philosophy of "continuing to be a company that values the environment, life, and human resources," we strongly recognize that the preservation of the global environment is crucial for the sustainable growth of the company. In our 2028 Vision, which defines the desired future of our company, we have positioned "the preservation of a beautiful global environment" as one of our materialities and are working towards its conservation.

Environmental Policy

Promotion structure/system

Our company incorporates environmental risks and opportunities into decision-making for each business activity. The goals and policies related to environmental management are formulated by the SDGs Committee, an advisory body to the Board of Directors, based on proposals from the Environmental Committee chaired by the officer in charge of sustainability. The Board of Directors receives reports from the SDGs Committee and has established a system to supervise and advise on the proper promotion of environmental management systems at each business and location.
The environmental goals and strategies formulated by the SDGs Committee are translated into targets for each location, and a system is in place to provide feedback on the results of activities to top management. Each year, we ensure the effectiveness of environmental management by re-evaluating environmental risks, opportunities, and countermeasures based on the previous year's performance.

Environmental Management Promotion System

Goals and Results

Our company has identified "the preservation of a beautiful global environment" as one of our materialities and has set three sub-materialities.

※ SNBL Non-consolidated.
Submateriality KPIs the goal
Achieving Carbon Neutrality
  • Scope1&2&3
  • SNBL Carbon Neutrality Index
  • CO2 eco-efficiency
  • Renewable Energy Production Volume
  • Performance Management
  • FY 3/2031: Net Zero
  • FY 3/2031: 50% Improvement (FY2020 Baseline)
  • FY 3/2029: 30 million kWh
Transition to a Circular Economy
  • Water Eco-Efficiency
  • Water resource reuse rate
  • Performance Management
  • Performance Management
Transition to Nature Positive
  • Fully farmed eel production
  • FY 3/2027: 100,000 Fish Annually