GRI Standards Comparison Table

General Disclosures

Disclosures Location
2-1 Organization details Company Profile
Domestic and Overseas Locations
2-2 Entities Subject to Organizational Sustainability Reporting Securities Report
2-3 Reporting Period, Frequency, Contact Information ESG Data
ESG Data Book
2-4 Correction and revision of information -
2-5 External Assurance Third-party verification
2-6 Activities, Value Chain, and Other Business Relationships Securities Report: Business Content
2-7 Number of Employees ESG Data: Social Data
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
2-8 Non-employee workers -
2-9 Governance structure and composition Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
Sustainability Policy: Sustainability Promotion Structure
2-10 Nominations and Elections in the Highest Governance Body Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
2-11 Chair of the Highest Governance Body Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
2-12 Role of the Highest Governance Body in Overseeing Impact Management Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
Sustainability Policy: Sustainability Promotion Structure
2-13 Delegation of Responsibility for Impact Management Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
Sustainability Policy: Sustainability Promotion Structure
2-14 Role of the Highest Governance Body in Sustainability Reporting Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
Sustainability Policy: Sustainability Promotion Structure
2-15 Conflict of interest Securities Report: Related Party Information
Compliance: Prevention of Conflicts of Interest
2-16 Communicating serious concerns Risk Management
2-17 Collective Expertise of the Highest Governance Body Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance Structure
2-18 Performance Evaluation of the Highest Governance Body Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Board of Directors Effectiveness Evaluation
2-19 Remuneration Policy Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Policies and Procedures for Determining Executive Compensation
2-20 Remuneration determination process Corporate Governance Report
Corporate Governance: Policies and Procedures for Determining Executive Compensation
2-21 Ratio of total annual compensation -
2-22 Statement on Strategies for Sustainable Development ESG Management: CEO Message
2-23 Policy Statement ESG Management: Basic Policy of Sustainability
2-24 Policy Statement Implementation ESG Management: Various Policies
2-25 Process for Correcting Negative Impacts Risk Management
Compliance: Internal Reporting System
Human Rights: Implementation of Preventive and Corrective Measures
2-26 Systems for Seeking Advice and Raising Concerns Compliance: Internal Reporting System
Compliance: External Consultation and Reporting System
2-27 Regulatory Compliance Risk Management
2-28 Membership Qualifications Commitment and Evaluation/Awards
2-29 Approach to Stakeholder Engagement ESG Management: Basic Policy of Sustainability
Dialogue with shareholders and investors
2-30 Labor Agreement Human Capital Management
ESG Management: Various Policies

Material items

Disclosures Location
3-1 Process for Determining Material Items Materiality (Key Issues) and Our Non-Financial Goals
3-2 List of Material Items Materiality (Key Issues) and Our Non-Financial Goals
3-3 Management of Material Items Materiality (Key Issues) and Our Non-Financial Goals


Disclosures Location
201-1 Created and Distributed Direct Economic Value Securities Report
Social Contribution Activities
Integrated Report
201-2 Financial Impacts of Climate Change, Other Risks and Opportunities Disclosure based on TCFD recommendations
201-3 Burden of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Other Retirement Schemes Securities Report: Retirement Benefits
201-4 Financial support received from the government Securities Report: Consolidated Balance Sheet
202-1 Ratio of Standard Entry-Level Wage to Local Minimum Wage (by Gender) -
202-2 Percentage of Senior Management Hired from Local Community -
203-1 Infrastructure Investments and Support Services Social Contribution Activities
203-2 Significant Indirect Economic Impacts Social Contribution Activities
Integrated Report
204-1 Proportion of Spending on Local Suppliers -
205-1 Facilities Conducting Corruption Risk Assessments Compliance: Prevention of Bribery and Corruption
205-2 Communication and Training on Anti-Corruption Policies and Procedures compliance
ESG Data: Governance Data
205-3 Confirmed Corruption Incidents and Actions Taken compliance
ESG Data: Governance Data
206-1 Legal Actions for Anti-Competitive Behavior, Anti-Trust, and Monopoly Practices No applicable cases
207-1 Approach to tax Compliance: Tax Governance
ESG Data: Governance Data
207-2 Tax Governance, Management, and Risk Management Compliance: Tax Governance
207-3 Addressing Tax-Related Stakeholder Engagement and Concerns -
207-4 Country Reporting Securities Report


Disclosures Location
301-1 Weight or Volume of Raw Materials Used Environmental Management
ESG Data: Environmental Data
301-2 Recycled materials used Resource conservation and pollution prevention
ESG Data: Environmental Data
301-3 Recycled Products and Packaging Materials Resource conservation and pollution prevention
ESG Data: Environmental Data
302-1 Energy Consumption Within the Organization Climate change response
ESG Data: Environmental Data
302-2 Energy Consumption Outside the Organization Climate change response
ESG Data: Environmental Data
302-3 Energy consumption rate Climate change response
ESG Data: Environmental Data
302-4 Reduce energy consumption Climate change response
ESG Data: Environmental Data
302-5 Reduction of Energy Requirements for Products and Services Climate change response
ESG Data: Environmental Data
303-1 Interaction with Water as a Shared Resource Water Resources
ESG Data: Environmental Data
303-2 Management of Impacts Related to Wastewater Water Resources
ESG Data: Environmental Data
303-3 Water Intake Water Resources
ESG Data: Environmental Data
303-4 Drainage Water Resources
ESG Data: Environmental Data
303-5 Water consumption Water Resources
ESG Data: Environmental Data
304-1 Business Sites Owned, Leased, or Managed in Protected Areas and Areas of High Biodiversity Value Outside Protected Areas or Adjacent to Them Biodiversity Conservation
ESG Data: Environmental Data
304-2 Significant Impacts of Activities, Products, and Services on Biodiversity -
304-3 Habitat protection and restoration Biodiversity Conservation
ESG Data: Environmental Data
304-4 Species listed on the IUCN Red List and national conservation lists that inhabit areas affected by business operations -
305-1 Direct Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 1) ESG Data: Environmental Data
305-2 Indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 2) ESG Data: Environmental Data
305-3 Other Indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 3) ESG Data: Environmental Data
305-4 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Intensity
305-5 Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Climate change response
ESG Data: Environmental Data
305-6 Emissions of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) -
305-7 Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx), and Other Significant Air Emissions -
306-1 Generation of Waste and Significant Waste-Related Impacts Resource conservation and pollution prevention
ESG Data: Environmental Data
306-2 Management of Significant Waste-Related Impacts Resource conservation and pollution prevention
ESG Data: Environmental Data
306-3 Generated waste ESG Data: Environmental Data
306-4 Undisposed waste ESG Data: Environmental Data
306-5 Disposed waste ESG Data: Environmental Data
307-1 Violation of environmental laws and regulations ESG Data: Environmental Data
308-1 New Suppliers Selected Based on Environmental Criteria Supply Chain Management
308-2 Negative Environmental Impacts in the Supply Chain and Actions Taken Supply Chain Management


Disclosures Location
401-1 Employee hiring and turnover ESG Data: Social Data
401-2 Allowances Provided to Full-Time Employees but Not to Non-Regular Employees Human Capital Management
401-3 Parental leave Human Capital Management
ESG Data: Social Data
402-1 Minimum Notice Period for Operational Changes -
403-1 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Health management and occupational safety and health
403-2 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Incident Investigation Health management and occupational safety and health
403-3 Occupational Health Services Health management and occupational safety and health
403-4 Worker Participation, Consultation, and Communication in Occupational Health and Safety Health management and occupational safety and health
403-5 Worker Training on Occupational Health and Safety Health management and occupational safety and health
ESG Data: Data Related to Society (Health Management)
403-6 Improving worker health Health management and occupational safety and health
403-7 Prevention and Mitigation of Occupational Health and Safety Impacts Directly Linked by Business Relationships Health management and occupational safety and health
403-8 Workers Covered by the Occupational Health and Safety Management System Health management and occupational safety and health
ESG Data: Data Related to Society (Health Management)
403-9 Work-related injuries ESG Data: Social Data
403-10 Work-Related Illnesses and Health Issues Health management and occupational safety and health
ESG Data: Social Data
ESG Data: Data Related to Society (Health Management)
404-1 Average annual training hours per employee ESG Data: Social Data
404-2 Employee skill enhancement programs and transition support programs Human Capital Management
Human Resource Development
404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular reviews on performance and career development Human Capital Management
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees ESG Data: Social Data
ESG Data: Governance Data
405-2 Gender Ratio of Basic Salary and Total Compensation ESG Data: Social Data
406-1 Discrimination Incidents and Remedial Actions Taken No applicable cases
407-1 Facilities and Suppliers with Potential Risks to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights human rights
Supply Chain Management
408-1 Facilities and Suppliers with Significant Risks of Child Labor Incidents human rights
Supply Chain Management
409-1 Facilities and Suppliers with Significant Risks of Forced Labor Incidents human rights
Supply Chain Management
410-1 Security Personnel Trained on Human Rights Policies and Procedures -
411-1 Incidents of Violations of Indigenous Peoples' Rights No applicable cases
412-1 Business Sites Subject to Human Rights Reviews and Impact Assessments human rights
Supply Chain Management
412-2 Employee training on human rights policies and procedures human rights
Supply Chain Management
412-3 Significant Investment Agreements and Contracts Including Human Rights Clauses or Subject to Human Rights Screening -
413-1 Facilities Engaging with Local Communities, Conducting Impact Assessments, and Implementing Development Programs Social Contribution Activities
413-2 Businesses that have a significant negative impact (both overt and covert) on the local community No applicable cases
414-1 New suppliers selected based on social criteria Supply Chain Management
414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and measures taken Supply Chain Management
415-1 Political donations -
416-1 Evaluation of health and safety impacts for product and service categories -
416-2 Instances of violations related to health and safety impacts of products and services No violations
417-1 Requirements regarding product and service information and labeling -
417-2 Instances of violations related to product and service information and labeling No violations
417-3 Instances of violations related to marketing communications No violations
418-1 Formal complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and loss of customer data Information Security
ESG Data: Governance Data
419-1 Violations of Laws and Regulations in the Socioeconomic Field compliance
ESG Data: Governance Data