Biodiversity Conservation

Policy/Basic Concept

The impact on biodiversity due to the destruction of ecosystems and the accelerated extinction of species is one of the serious issues for global environmental conservation.SNBL will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity through initiatives for the conservation and effective use of natural resources based on the Environmental Policy.

Promotion structure/system

Our company incorporates sustainability-related risks and opportunities into decision-making for each business activity. To systematically expand and promote the group's sustainability efforts from a medium- to long-term perspective, we have established an SDGs Committee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors, which meets monthly.
Risks and opportunities related to the environment are discussed by the Environmental Committee, a sub-organization of the SDGs Committee. The chairperson of the Environmental Committee is the officer in charge of sustainability, who positions the status of initiatives, challenges, and investment decisions in the field of biodiversity as important themes essential for sustainable growth and deliberates on them. The deliberation content is reported to the SDGs Committee and, as necessary, to the Board of Directors.

Goals and Results

In the field of biodiversity conservation, we have set the following goals.

Biodiversity Conservation Goals and Achievements