Commitment and Evaluation/Awards
Index inclusion
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is an index developed by FTSE Russell, a company of the London Stock Exchange Group. It selects Japanese companies that excel in environmental, social, and governance responses relative to each sector. This index is designed to be sector-neutral.
JPX-Nikkei Mid and Small Cap Index
By applying the concept of selecting companies with high investment appeal for investors, introduced in the JPX Nikkei Index 400, to small and mid-cap stocks, it aims to select companies that efficiently utilize capital and are conscious of investors, while also promoting and spreading this awareness to a broader range of companies.
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index
Based on carbon emission data from Trucost, the S&P Dow Jones Indices, one of the world's largest independent index companies, targets the constituents of TOPIX, enhancing the investment weight of companies with high carbon efficiency and those disclosing information on greenhouse gas emissions within the same industry based on market capitalization.
As of October 2024
ESG evaluation and awards
MSCI ESG Ratings
MSCI ESG Ratings are a global evaluation metric for ESG investments, where MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) in the United States analyzes how well companies manage ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) risks, rating them on a seven-tier scale from AAA to CCC.
CDP "Climate Change"
CDP is a non-profit organization that conducts research and evaluations on the environmental efforts of companies and municipalities, based on requests from global investors and companies with a high interest in environmental issues.
Platinum Elboshi
The "Platinum Eruboshi" certification is awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to particularly excellent companies among those that have received the "Eruboshi" certification, which recognizes companies actively promoting women's advancement. It is based on the achievement of action plan goals and the implementation status of initiatives related to promoting women's participation.
Platinum Kurumin Plus
Among Kurumin-certified companies, those that have undertaken higher-level initiatives and meet certain requirements can apply with the necessary documents to receive special certification (Platinum Kurumin Certification) from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (delegated to the Prefectural Labour Bureau Director) as an excellent 'Childcare Support' company.
Health & Productivity Stock Selection, Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization ~White 500~
This certification system, based on initiatives addressing regional health issues and health promotion efforts advanced by the Japan Health Council, recognizes the top 500 companies in the 'Large Corporation Sector' that practice particularly excellent health management.
Nadeshiko Brands 2022
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in collaboration with the Tokyo Stock Exchange, selects publicly listed companies that excel in promoting women's participation as 'Nadeshiko Brands.' By introducing companies that excel in promoting women's participation as attractive investment options for investors who prioritize 'medium- to long-term corporate value enhancement,' the initiative aims to encourage investment in these companies and accelerate their efforts.
Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Excellence Award 'Equal Opportunity and Work-Life Balance Promotion Corporate Sector'
In the fiscal year 2018 'Equal Opportunity and Work-Life Balance Promotion Company Awards' hosted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, we received the 'Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Excellence Award' in the Equal Opportunity Promotion Company category. This is a system that recognizes companies that serve as models for others in their proactive efforts to empower women's abilities and support the balance between work, childcare, and caregiving.
Award for Leading Companies Where Women Shine 'Prime Minister's Award'
We received the 'Prime Minister's Award' in the FY 2018 'Award for Leading Companies Where Women Shine' hosted by the Gender Equality Bureau of the Cabinet Office.
This award recognizes companies with outstanding achievements in policies, initiatives, and results related to the promotion of women to executive and managerial positions, as well as in the disclosure of such information, to promote the development of workplace environments where women can thrive. It aims to contribute to the realization of a 'Society Where Women Shine.' Our company is the first recipient in Kagoshima Prefecture. -
AAALAC International Full Accreditation
It is the only international third-party organization that conducts evaluation and accreditation based on guidelines such as 'the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals' regarding animal care and use programs, and currently, more than 1,040 organizations in 50 countries are accredited by AAALAC.
IR Excellent Company Encouragement Award
We received the IR Excellence Encouragement Award at the 'IR Excellence Company Award 2022' hosted by the Japan IR Association.
The IR Excellence Encouragement Award is given to small and mid-cap companies that apply for the 'IR Excellence Company Award' and are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market, Growth Market, or other emerging markets, or in the case of the Tokyo Prime Market, companies within 10 years of their initial public offering, as well as companies applying for the award for the first time.
As of October 2024
Commitment to Society
Health literacy | |
October 2020 | Expressed Support for the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) |
October 2020 | Participated in the TCFD Consortium |
April 2022 | Supported the 'GX League Basic Concept' and participated in the 'GX League' from April 2023 |
December 2022 | " Partnership Building Declaration Participated in ※Partnership Building Declaration Portal Site |
March 2023 | Registered as a Business Operator in the 'Kagoshima Prefecture SDGs Registration System' |
April 2023 | " Multi-Stakeholder Policy " was formulated. |
October 2023 | Submitted a Commitment Letter to the 'SBT Initiative' |
May 2024 | Participated in the 'Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration Initiative' |