Dividend and Stock Information

Shareholder Dividend Graph

Trends in dividends and dividend payout ratios

Analyst Coverage

This is a list of analysts from securities companies and research institutions responsible for our company. (Honorifics omitted)

As of November 1, 2024
Company Name Analyst Name
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Kota Maeda


  • This list is published based on the information obtained by our company at the time of publication according to our standards.
  • Opinions or forecasts regarding our company's performance are based on the independent judgment of analysts, and our company does not endorse or guarantee these opinions, forecasts, or recommendations.
  • When making actual investments, please make investment decisions at your own responsibility.

Basic Stock Information

Fiscal Year Every year from April 1 to March 31 of the following year
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Late June every year
The date of the general meeting of shareholders is Here Please see.
The notice of convocation and resolution notice are Here Please see.
Reference date March 31
Record date for dividends of surplus March 31 (or September 30 if an interim dividend is paid)
Listed Market TSE Prime (Securities Code: 2395)
Total number of shareholders 16,008 people (as of March 31, 2024)
Total number of authorized shares 137,376,000 shares
Total number of shares issued 41,632,400 shares
Number of shares per unit 100 shares
Shareholder Registry Administrator
Business handling location
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Securities Agency Division
1-3-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8241
HP : https://www.mizuho-tb.co.jp/daikou/index.html
Toll-free: 0120-288-324
(Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays 9:00-17:00)
QR Code
How to Post an Advertisement Electronic Public Notice (https://www.snbl.co.jp/publish/
However, if it is not possible to make an electronic public notice due to accidents or other unavoidable reasons, it will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Shareholder Benefits Not applicable